Reaper Theme Cubase

Trophy Points: 18. Location: Saint Louis, Mo. I know alot of you guys use REAPER so I thought I'd share a theme that I modded. I used Cubase SX2 before I switched. A guy on the REAPER forums named Makai created a theme called 'Rebase'. I used it as a template and switched out pieces of other themes (a mash-up if you will) to create 'Cube Ace'. Although, I do wish that I could find a good Cubase theme for Reaper. That might fix my dilemma. Emperor Guillotine, Apr 13, 2017 #22. Messages: 30,199. I Logic V2.65 For Each Updates Use the same link the first one thanks I Logic V2 is the v2 of i Logic with few new feature and color refresh to Stay close as possible than Logic Pro 10.3 The color are Realy easy on the eyes!

Cubase Vs Reaper


A new Cubase inspired theme was recently posted by Cube13 and it looks great. Eyssina by Cube13 is an advanced theme for REAPER V5 with lots of extras. The install requires extra attention so please backup files and read the instructions thoroughly. Go to the forum for all the details.

This theme is supposed to be used with Reaper 5 (including ‘pre’ and ‘RC’ releases). Don’t expect it to be efficiently usable with Reaper 4.xx…


An important thing, I think, needs a reminder : for the ones patient enough to fully test this theme, and as for the ‘Piolit’ one, be sure to install everything bundled in the .zip file, by following the instructions listed in the Readme.txt one. I admit that some of them are tedious, especially the ones related to the layout actions, as there is no way to save these in a dedicated file which would considerably ease the theme distribution process, but well… At the end, the whole theme (which could be thinked as an environment) makes really sense if everything is installed and ready to work.


This theme is based on the PiolitFM theme by the same creator. If you are not upgrading to V5 then this is the theme for you.

Reaper Theme Cubase 4


Reaper Theme Cubase 9


Reaper Theme Cubase 7

Update Jan 2015 – Eyssina is now in the CubicPack with the other Cubase-like theme Frema.